A Guide For Responding to Employee Complaints

Responding to employee complaints is a critical aspect of running a business. Employee complaints can disrupt any workplace, whether whispered in small groups or blasted across the internet. Ignoring complaints isn’t a solution; burying your head in the sand only lets problems fester. Mishandling them is even worse. Mishandling a complaint can plummet morale, create high turnover rates, and even bring costly lawsuits.

We’ve witnessed it all at SKT Law — from seemingly insignificant grievances escalating into legal battles to companies using complaints as an opportunity to create positive change. We’re your allies in managing employee relations’ complexities, ensuring your business thrives.

A Guide For Responding to Employee Complaints

When an employee brings a complaint to your attention, there are a few steps and guidelines that it is in your best interest to follow, such as responding swiftly, respecting confidentiality, and avoiding pitfalls like retaliation. Let’s go over some of these suggestions in more detail. 

Investigate Further

There are (at least) two sides to every story. Interview all relevant parties and analyze the facts without any bias. The objective isn’t to assign blame. Instead, focus on uncovering the truth. Remember, the resolution demands impartiality, and your investigation should embody that principle. 

Take Decisive Action

If the investigation uncovers misconduct, don’t hesitate to act. It may include disciplinary measures, policy adjustments, or further training. Demonstrate through actions that you value your employees’ concerns and are committed to a fair workplace. Inaction breeds discontent and can create deeper problems. 

Be Transparent

Reassure your employees that their complaints have been heard and that you are taking action. Update them as the situation progresses, and be sure to inform them of actions being taken to resolve the issue and also steps being taken to make sure the issue does not happen again. Also, give the employee an opportunity to ask questions or express further concerns. 

Respect Confidentiality

Gossip and speculation can spoil a workplace. Protect the privacy of everybody involved in a complaint, and make sure only the people who need to be involved are privy to information regarding the complaint. 

Legal Considerations When Responding to Employee Complaints

While not every complaint leads to a lawsuit, it’s essential to be aware that legal consequences may be a possibility in the situation, and you can also take steps to minimize the potential for any legal ramifications. Let’s discuss some of these considerations. 

Related Article: What Does an Employment Litigation Attorney Do

Zero Tolerance of Discrimination and Harassment

Complaints of discrimination or harassment demand immediate action. The laws are clear, and complaints of this nature are a high-risk situation that requires your attention. 

No Perception of Retaliation

There can never be any perception of retaliation against an employee who raises a complaint. It’s unethical and can create additional legal claims. A complaint is an opportunity for growth, not a reason for punishment. 

Maintain Meticulous Documentation

Thorough record-keeping is your best friend in a legal dispute. Document every interaction, every piece of evidence, and every step taken throughout the complaint process. Meticulous record-keeping can be your strongest defense should matters escalate. 

Related Article: Defending Against Class-Action Employment Lawsuits

“Handling employee complaints demands more than good intentions. It requires a nuanced understanding of employment law and potential legal pitfalls. A skilled employment attorney can help you craft a response that addresses the immediate concern and protects your company from future liabilities.”
Eliot Kreiger, CEO & Managing Partner, SKT Law

Consult With SKT Law on Employee Grievances

Responding to employee complaints is a delicate situation that requires a blend of empathy, fairness, and legal awareness. Following best practices and working with an employment litigation lawyer, like SKT Law, you can tackle employee complaints head-on, protect your company’s interests, and develop an even better work environment. 

Don’t let employee complaints disrupt your business. Contact SKT Law today for a confidential consultation to help create an effective complaint resolution process and minimize legal escalation.